7 Must-Read Breastfeeding Tips

Many new moms often experience much guilt when struggling with breastfeeding. However, it is common to encounter difficulties or discomfort when you first get started.

Thankfully, many solutions, tricks, and products can make the experience feel like a breeze. If you are having difficulty with nursing, check out these seven must-read breastfeeding tips.

  1. Switch Positions
    If your baby is struggling to latch onto your breast, consider switching positions. You might have more success laying on your side with your baby. As your baby’s nose will not feel pressed against your chest, they might latch on quickly. Plus, it is a comfortable position for new moms who have pain from childbirth.
  2. Touch Your Baby’s Feet
    It might surprise you to discover that your newborn will nurse better when you touch their feet. When nursing, you should place their feet in your hand, against your leg, or on a pillow or arm of a chair. It will make them feel more secure and comfortable.
  3. Use a Husband Pillow
    The wrong position can make breastfeeding a difficult task. Ensure you adopt the correct upright position by buying a husband pillow. It will ensure you are comfortable and can help you support your baby when nursing. It is a must-have product you won’t regret buying, and, as it is portable, you can even take it to the hospital to enjoy breastfeeding success.
    The oversized back pillow is made from premium shredded memory foam, which will provide fantastic comfort and support during those late-night feedings. Learn more at husbandpillow.com.
  4. Eat Milk-Producing Foods
    The food you eat can determine your milk supply, as certain vitamins and minerals can boost lactation. Add the following foods into your diet to improve milk production:
    Protein-rich foods, such as chicken, tofu, eggs, and seafood
    Also, you must keep your body hydrated throughout the day to support your milk supply and flow.
  5. Skip the Pacifier for the First Month
    Breastfeeding moms should avoid giving their baby a pacifier during their first month. It is believed it can suppress their hunger cues and reduce their time nursing. If you want to provide your baby with a pacifier to soothe them, avoid doing so until they are a month old.
  6. Skin-to-Skin Nursing
    If your baby is struggling to feed, it might help to strip both of your clothing and go skin-to-skin. If you want to cover your modesty should someone walk into the room, you can always drape a blanket across you. The close contact will help calm your newborn and may trigger the feeding instinct. Give it a try the next time your baby appears fussy during a feed.
  7. Talk to Other Breastfeeding Mom
    Many of your friends or relatives may have chosen to breastfeed their children. If so, ask them for advice to help you nurse with ease. They will likely have adopted an effective position or bought a product that made the experience much easier. Ask for their help, and they might even be happy to sit with you during a feed to improve your technique or comfort.