3. Get Off the Couch / Away From Your Desk – Straight up! Get away from the TV, up from your desk, get outside for a walk, bike ride or an activity of some sort. The amount of time sitting down definitely plagues our society & it can usually stem from our home and work routines. Inactivity breeds bad habits like junk food or snacking. Looking for that quick fix with food, so that you can get back to the TV shows you are bingeing or the office work you can’t let yourself get away from. Getting into a regular routine of biking or walking every day can help get those juices flowing for a happy and more active life.
2. Find an Activity – It’s not all about going to the gym to get healthy. Gather up some friends and join a softball league, or a running group. Getting into a social atmosphere can help the enjoyment level for activity sky-rocket, especially if you don’t like to move much at this point. Not only will it be a fun way to get active and healthy, but those friends will also help hold you accountable for showing up and working hard. Super important to hold each other in a high regard, be supportive & make sure that the work is being put in. Also remember that it could take a month or 2 for these new routines to become normal, especially if you haven’t really done much recently. COMMIT! COMMIT! COMMIT! You may not see the results on the outside fast, but have faith that you are doing incredible things for your well-being.
1. It’s Mostly About the Food – You may have seen figures all over the place, whether its 50% or 70% of results come from food … fact of the matter is that it is SUPER important to put into your body that which is nourishing and as natural as possible. ‘Diets’ or ‘Cleanses’ are fine, only if you are getting the necessary nutrition for your daily needs, but also know that commercial diets and cleanses are all about making money for these corporations. Companies want you to buy their product & ultimately those products need to be as cheap as possible for maximum revenue. So consider that looking at what you are eating at home & changing a few things at a time is a great way to ease into a natural ‘diet’. Removing unnatural or refined sugar could be a great start (pop, juice, candy, etc), practice that for a week or 2 & then move onto something else. The most natural diet includes fatty acids (eggs, nuts), lots of vegetables, meats/protein & seasonal fruits. If you can simplify your diet to these main things, you will see results fast.