A plant-based diet is when your daily nutritional intake is predominantly absorbed from fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and legumes. A plant-based diet is not vegan, and many people still eat animal products, however, their diet is 90% plant-based with the occasional fish or piece of meat.
Regardless of the weight loss benefits for some people, a plant-based diet has many other desirable health effects. It’s the most natural way that a person can eat but it does take discipline and some getting used to. Read on for tips to start introducing a plant-based diet today.
Slowly Change Your Macros
In any diet, you need a certain percentage of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins to make up your daily intake of food. Everyone’s macros will be different, for example, bodybuilders need a lot more protein than carbs and fat. Starting with a plant-based diet will take some time, so slowly change your macros rather than jumping right in. It will help you to stick to the new diet if you incorporate vegetables and fruits incrementally.
Start with 70% plant-based food and the rest animal products. Every three weeks add a bit more fruit and vegetables until your diet is mostly plant-based. Always fill your plate with vegetables and fruit first, then add a small piece of animal-based protein. The portion should be less than the size of your palm, while the rest of your plate is loaded with leafy greens and veggies.
Get Creative with Recipes
It can get boring to eat the same thing every day, and although there are hundreds of fruits and vegetables to choose from, creating meals may take some trial and error to get them tasting good. Keep all types of spices handy to make tasty dishes.
If you aren’t sure about what kind of meals to make and you need some inspiration, go to a vegan or vegetarian restaurant. If you live in Illinois, with Native Foods, you can find plant based restaurants Chicago that have a variety of menus to choose from, which incorporate all types of vegetables.
Get Educated
The reason that a plant-based diet is so popular is that it cuts out all the chemicals and additives in most of the food we eat. The only issue is that by limiting animal products, you may develop a deficiency. Include fatty items like avocado to give you omega-3 fatty acids and increase your intake of a variety of seeds and nuts for protein and important vitamins.
You can continue to eat things like bread, but be careful of anything too processed. With this new diet, you should be sticking to the produce aisle and checking labels on everything you buy. Frozen vegetables may be supplemented with additional sodium or spice if you buy them prepacked.
Maintaining a plant-based diet is tough in the beginning. Once your body gets used to eating more fresh food, your intestinal system should work better and you will feel an increase in energy. Remember to take it slow and try to incorporate as much fruit and vegetables as possible.