Even the healthiest dogs get diarrhea from time to time. Having to go through this experience is both alarming and exhausting at the same time. Unlike seeing bloody urine, it is difficult to figure out if your dog diarrhea is just a regular occurrence or an indication of something serious.
Aside from the anxiety of possible complications, having to deal with the mess caused by diarrhea is a nightmare too. Just like human diarrhea, applying first aid to this problem is a must and should be done with complete care. Here are some simple first aid remedies that you can do when your dog starts showing signs of diarrhea:
Hydrate your dog
When your dog experiences diarrhea, the most important thing to do is to keep it hydrated. The body loses water when it is experiencing this condition, so you have to make sure that your dog has easy access to clean liquid all the time. Adding electrolyte powder or Pedialyte to your dog’s water is also another way to ensure that dehydration will not happen.
One way to check if your dog has enough hydration is to look at its gums. A hydrated gum should look a bit wet but is not sticky. If dehydration persists, your dog may lose electrolytes which are essential for proper nutrition, balanced pH level, muscle function, and nerve mechanism. Should this happen, your dog’s body might be in danger of shutting down even if it just started as ordinary diarrhea.
Switch its diet
In most cases, dog diarrhea is caused by something that it consumed. A quick remedy to its stool problem is to change its diet. Increasing the fiber intake of your dog can help a lot in strengthening its gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, you also have to refrain from giving your dog oily food, which can exacerbate diarrhea. A diet of low-fat food in multiple smaller meals can help the stomach of your dog adjust to changes.
White meat chicken and broth are good alternatives to your dog’s regular diet whenever it is experiencing diarrhea since they are easily digestible. Once the stool condition returns to normal, gradually switch your dog’s food to the usual one to avoid another gastrointestinal problem.
Add probiotic and prebiotic elements
Probiotics and prebiotics are useful in helping your dog develop a healthy intestinal gut. They provide a rich source of energy for cells in the colon, inhibit the growth of harmful organisms in the intestines, and balances the acidity of your dog’s fluids. Supplements for these are available in veterinary shops, but you can also find them in everyday kitchen products such as yogurt, kefir, and unfermented vegetables.
Ideally, if your dog’s diarrhea is not severe and it gets the necessary first-aid remedy, its stool will return to normal within 24 hours. However, if the stool continues to have a soft consistency and foul smell, then it is an indication of a different problem.
Do not hesitate to call your veterinarian and have your dog’s stool tested for a more accurate diagnosis. There is no need to panic since gastrointestinal problems are highly curable with proper hydration and a balanced diet if you catch it early. With extra love and care, your dog will surely be back in shape in no time.