There have been amazing advancements when it comes to straightening your teeth. In years past the preferred way to create better tooth alignment and a great smile was to spend months at the orthodontist and go through the ritual of getting braces. In general, braces were uncomfortable and looked a bit like they were part of a wire fence. Interestingly, the first braces were even called the “wire crib”!
Today there are great options for helping gently move your teeth so that you have perfect alignment and a wonderful smile. Invisalign clear aligners are custom-designed for each individual’s unique needs and are part of a treatment plan that is fully computerized. Dental patients know how long their treatments will take before they even put the first aligners on.
When compared to the rather mechanical and archaic metal braces, Invisalign offers many key benefits.
Almost Invisible
Whereas traditional braces are highly visible pieces of metal and unsightly wires, Invisalign trays are nearly invisible. They are clear in appearance and it doesn’t look like you are wearing braces at all. Because the aligners are clear nothing detracts from your smile and you can handle social situations without any embarrassment. If you are an adult with Invisalign braces you will love that they are barely noticeable.
Braces were never comfortable. The metal braces were attached to your teeth and had to stay there until a dentist removed them. The Invisalign trays are made of a smooth plastic and are specifically created to fit your mouth perfectly. Best of all, the aligners can be removed for a short time when you want to eat or drink. This lets you eat any food you like, where traditional braces always had a list of forbidden foods. Since Invisalign is removable you will also not have to struggle with pieces of food getting caught in the braces.
Reduced Treatment Time
When you had metal braces installed it seemed like the treatment went on forever. Then, just when you hoped you might get the braces off, you would often be told that you needed another months long course of braces to really get the job done right. With Invisalign the treatment protocol typically is somewhere between 10 weeks and half the time of old-fashioned braces.
Invisalign is Custom Created for You
Where braces often resembled a metal Lego construction kit, Invisalign clear aligners are custom-designed so they perfectly fit over your teeth. Since the device is a perfect model for you it is very comfortable and can put just the right pressure in the right place to carefully align your teeth.
Shift Teeth Gradually
One of the best benefits of Invisalign is that it gently and gradually shifts your teeth into place. During your treatment you receive a progression of new Invisalign aligners that slowly move your teeth to where they should be. This is much better than metal braces, which often forced things in place mechanically. With Invisalign teeth can be moved horizontally or vertically, and you can even rotate a tooth if necessary.
If you would like straight teeth and a beautiful smile, but don’t want to experience the discomfort and unflattering appearance of braces then you should consider treatment with Invisalign. These clear aligners are better than braces in many ways and will get the job done in half the time.