Archives for December 2019

The Importance of an Advanced Anti-Aging Medical Program

Aging is an issue that affects each one of us, both on a personal and a societal level. Our population is aging rapidly and each one of us also comes to see the signs of aging creep in. In our twenties our hormone levels begin to decline and by our thirties they are only a fraction of their peak level. By the time we are forty our hair can begin to gray and our eyesight begins to be less sharp. We also see shifts in our muscular and skeletal structures and those aches and pains begin.

It’s best to address the aging process early in life. Anti-aging medicine is a cutting-edge field that offers clients a way to forestall or even reverse the aging process. By working with a leading anti-aging doctor you will be introduced to a medically sound anti-aging program and mentored lifestyle that helps you reduce the aging effects and maintain optimum health.

The best anti-aging medical protocols involve a number of different elements across multiple disciplines. By weaving together effective therapies and advanced methods of addressing aging, your doctor can develop a plan customized for you.

Resetting Your Natural Hormone Levels

When our natural hormone levels fall in our forties, we see the symptoms of aging start to emerge. We may find that our energy levels are lower, sleep is less certain and we are gaining weight. In addition, mental quickness is often lessened and we find that our libido may be lower too. Your anti-aging doctor can create a customized therapy of hormone replacement to help reverse these signs of aging. When your hormone levels are replenished your vitality will come back.

Anti-Aging Nutrition

For centuries human beings relied on a Paleolithic diet that consisted largely of vegetables, fruits and meats that were lean. This diet, which was natural and contained almost no processed fats or simple carbs, was the one to which our digestive systems became accustomed. By returning to a diet that is more natural with less modern artificial and highly processed foods we can restore our health and therefore forestall aging and illness. Nutritional supplements can also play a big part in crafting a great anti-aging nutritional plan.

Fitness and Exercise

Cardiovascular activity is an essential part of the anti-aging exercise and fitness routine. Resistance training is also critical for increasing bone density and helping with our body shape. More muscle mass also means we burn additional calories each day even in a resting state. A good anti-aging program will also include flexibility stretches and exercises and agility training.

Stress Reduction

Stress can cause premature aging and can affect multiple systems within our body. Your anti-aging doctor can guide you in how to address stress in your life and suggest exercise ideas and relaxation therapy that helps relieve stress in your life. A strong social support system also helps keep stress levels manageable.

If you would like to have superb health throughout your life, it’s a great idea to work with an anti-aging doctor who can develop a multi-level plan to help keep you young. By layering in important protocols related to hormone replacement, nutrition, exercise and stress reduction you can have an active and wonderful life for years to come.

Trauma Therapy Options for Treating PTSD

One of the most crippling mental health conditions is post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. This condition is typically triggered when a person experiences or even witnesses a horrific or terrifying event. The effect of this event may last for quite a period of time, spanning months or even years. Nightmares, extreme anxiety and flashbacks are some of the symptoms of PTSD.

Whenever a person goes through a traumatic event there can be a difficult time ahead as they try to cope and adjust to what they experienced or witnessed. It’s very important to get treatment if you have PTSD so you can mitigate your symptoms and lessen the devastating effect of PTSD on your daily life.

As you seek counseling, you should look for a therapist who has experience helping people through problems associated with PTSD. There are different approaches and modalities used in trauma therapy, so it’s good to explore your options and discover which therapy works best for you.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Often during treatment for PTSD your therapist will use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The basis for this treatment method is rooted in the assumption that the individual affected by PTSD need to change their thoughts and increase their coping skills. Training in using breath to manage the stress and techniques that help the individual replace irrational thoughts with less threatening, accurate understandings is part of CBT.


A skilled hypnotherapist can guide an individual into an altered, or hypnotic, state. Once there the therapist can talk to the person about the problem they are seeking treatment for. It is believed that the emotions or thoughts that the patient feels during hypnosis are important to the healing process. Studies found that hypnotherapy helped improve sleep and decrease symptoms in individuals experiencing PTSD.

Psychodynamic Therapy

When psychodynamic therapy is used, there is a key focus on the unconscious mind. The unconscious is where thoughts that that are too painful to examine and upsetting feelings are stored. Even though thoughts that are unconscious are not within our awareness they can still have a profound effect on our lives.

Psychodynamic therapy allows the counselor to pinpoint where the individual stands regarding the traumatic event. Once they understand how the event is being processed and where the client is stuck they can help them work through processing the trauma and integrating it.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

In order to perform Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, therapists must attend special training from one of the recognized associations that conducts the educational courses in EMDR. Organizations such as the EMDR International Association or the EMDR institute offer the training on a regular basis.

During an EMDR session the client focuses on the traumatic experience while the therapist uses a moving finger or light that the patient’s eyes follow. At times sound tones are also used. The treatment can be very effective as it basically helps reprogram the brain to help alleviate the trauma.

Post-traumatic stress disorder can be a debilitating condition that drastically alters one’s ability to fully function and have a truly enjoyable life. A skilled therapist can help an individual by employing various treatments that help reduce or eliminate the effects of PTSD.

Six Tips to Help You with Private Money Lenders in Los Angeles

If the term “hard money lending” evokes images of shark-like loan sharks that trade cash out of alleys with high-interest rates, it is probably time to rethink. In fact, hard money loans are financed by reputable investors who specialize in helping clients with cash problems with their short-term loan needs.

It is much easier to obtain hard money loans than conventional loans. If your bank says “no,” hard money lender might say “yes.”

So, If you are in California and you are looking for an investment loan with a simple and fast approval process and lower rating benchmarks. A hard money loan may be right for your needs.

However, because your credit score is a less important factor in determining your eligibility, many hard money loans tend to have higher interest rates.

There are affordable private money lenders in California, though; You just have to know where to look. It all comes down to choosing a transparent and reliable hard money lender to work for. Here are some tips to help you.

1. Choose a Hard Money Lender That Has Experience with Similar Cases like Yours

There are some legal requirements issued by private money lenders in Los Angeles, as for any other types of loans. An expert is needed to structure the loan and meet the regulations.

As a result, you should look for a specialized hard-money lender that has adequate experience with clients that are just like you. Also, you should start thinking about how you intend to use the loan.

Private money loans can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Obtaining financing with a low credit score
  • Short term financing
  • Fix & Flip Loans For Businesses
  • Scroll from the traditional income requirements for prime loans

It is possible that a hard money lender who works primarily with low credit score clients may not have the necessary experience to help a commercial customer who is looking for fix and flips.

On the other hand, a hard-money lender focusing on flipping may not be the ideal option for a borrower trying to avoid the reality of low credit rating.

Once you discover your needs, you can choose a lender that can meet those needs effectively.

2. Look up the Lender’s License Information

Always verify official licenses before working with a lender. This is important, regardless of the type of loan you are applying for, but it’s vital for hard money loans.


3. Make Sure the Lender Operates Transparently

Be wary of promises that a lender cannot keep. You want to look for a competitive interest rate and friendly terms, but you need to think realistically. Become familiar with the typical rates offered to borrowers with your credit score and bought accordingly.

I hear and offer by the lender that sounds too good to be true then it probably is.

Before signing a loan, make sure you have an intimate understanding of the terms and have read all the fine print. You should be able to calculate exactly what you owe throughout the life of the loan (assuming a fixed interest rate).

If a hard money lender avoids questions about interest rates, terms, licenses, or anything else, you should probably look for another company to do business with.

4. Choose a Lender That Can Provide What You Need in Terms of Interest Rates, Approval Deadlines, Etc.

Next, you should think about what you would normally do when looking for a loan: the interest rate you will pay, the duration of the loan, the terms that govern it, etc.

If you are selecting a hard money loan specifically to facilitate a quick and easy application process, ask the lender how long it usually takes to complete the approval.


5. Be Wary of the Disadvantages

Because they are riskier than conventional loans, hard money loans are generally issued at much higher interest rates.

Typical rates start at around 7 percent and increase from there with an average of 12 percent rates. You must also pay between 1 and 10 percent of the lender’s fees, known as points.

There is a good possibility that the loan will be structured as a very short-term loan of, say, six months to three years, with a monthly payment of only interest and a sizeable global fee when the loan expires.

As with any secured loan, the lender can execute the mortgage on the underlying property if you do not make the payments.

6. Be Sure to Look for Reviews

As the last step, when selecting a hard money lender, you should always check customer reviews online.

Use common sense when evaluating reviews so as not to confuse actual and quality reviews that competitors may have left or bought to inflate ratings.

You may want to request references and follow-up as well.

In Conclusion

Finding the right private money lender in California can be challenging these days. All over the state, numerous new money lending agencies are popping out and gets hard to find the right one when they all promise the best possible conditions.

Make sure that you remember these six tips and for any further details, it’s always advisable to consult a professional finance man to help you with all nitty-gritty details.

What Makes You At Fault For an Accident?

Nobody wants to get into a car crash, but they do still happen with shocking regularity.

When you do encounter a car accident, it’s important to know who is at fault. This can help you understand what caused the accident and how it can be avoided in the future.

There are some behaviors that almost always lead to being at fault. For example, drunk driving causes over 10,000 fatal accidents each year.

Any time that you break a traffic law like drinking and driving, it makes for a great possibility that you will be found at fault should you get into a car crash.

We’ll take a look at a few other reasons that lead to being found at fault for an accident below so that you know what to avoid doing.

What Does It Mean to Be At Fault?

Many different actions can lead to a car crash. Between someone slamming on their brakes in front of you, taking a turn from the middle lane, or running a red light, just about any foolish behaviors can cause an accident.

Because of this, it’s important to understand who caused the crash to determine whose insurance is liable for covering damages. This is where “at fault” comes into play.

As the name suggests, being at fault for an accident means that either you caused the accident or you were responsible for preventing it. In other words, the accident is your fault.

Now let’s take a look at some behaviors that typically lead to you being at fault for an ensuing accident.

Distracted Driving

One bad habit that has quickly become the leading cause of all car accidents is distracted driving.

This mainly pertains to cellphone use while driving, like talking on the phone, texting, browsing through social media feeds, reading a notification, or changing the music.

It can also apply to any other actions that distract you, like eating messy foods, tending to a fussy baby in the backseat, fiddling with the car stereo, grabbing for something that fell underneath your seat, or anything else that takes your eyes off the road.

While distracted driving has always been an issue, smartphones have exponentially increased the number of accidents associated with it. You will almost always be found at fault for an accident if you were driving distracted.

Drunk Driving

Another terrible thing you can do is driving while drunk or under the influence.

Impaired driving is a horrible idea and directly impacts your ability to drive well. Your reaction times are heightened, your motor functions are lessened, and your judgment is significantly worse.

Even if you didn’t directly cause an accident, simply being under the influence will generally make you at fault for an accident. This is not always the case, but drinking and driving automatically cast you into the light of being a negligent driver.

It is extremely difficult to prove another driver as being at fault for an accident if you were found to be drinking and driving. If you’re over the legal drinking limit (0.08 BAC level), then you’ll also be assessed with a DWI or DUI.

Simply put, most drunk drivers are found at fault for accidents they are involved in.

Rear-Ending Another Driver

One type of accident that widely results in being found at fault is a situation where you rear-end another driver. This includes situations where you hit them when they’re fully stopped or if they quickly brake and you don’t stop in time.

The reason for this is that you’re supposed to have an adequate stopping distance between you and another driver. You should never be tailgating or close behind another driver.

This can get a little tricky when a driver in front of you rapidly slams on their brakes, especially if they’re brake-checking you. Even in this situation, you’re still likely to be found at fault because you didn’t leave enough stopping distance between you and them.

If you have a dashcam that can prove that the driver in front of you was brake-checking, some of the fault may be transferred to them. However, most of the fault will still be yours because you still should have created enough distance to stop, meaning that you were following too closely behind them.

Ignoring Traffic Signals

Another situation that typically results in being found at fault is getting into an accident after ignoring a traffic signal. This can include running a red light, blowing through a stop sign, and not respecting a yield sign.

Even if you didn’t notice the traffic sign/signal, you will still be found liable for the accident because it was your responsibility to see and register the sign in the first place. This is negligent driving and will almost always make you to blame.

Respect all traffic lights, signals, and signs to prevent being found at fault for an accident involving one.

Violating Traffic Laws

One final behavior that will also make you guilty is violating a traffic law. This includes actions like speeding, driving in the wrong lane, and the two behaviors we mentioned above; distracted and drunk driving.

It’s almost impossible to get out of being found at fault for an accident when you are already breaking the law. You directly increase the odds of an accident happening when you fail to obey traffic laws because it means that you’re driving recklessly and become unpredictable to other drivers.

Speeding is the biggest culprit here because it gives you less time to react to other drivers and situations. Your stopping time is greatly increased at higher speeds and your vehicle becomes harder to maneuver.

If you don’t want to cause an accident, stick to the speed limit and respect all traffic laws as many other drivers do.

Closing Thoughts

While there are many different causes of car crashes, various negligent behaviors will result in you being found at fault for the accident. This means that you caused the accident or you could have avoided it, making you the responsible party.

This includes distracted driving, drinking and driving, rear-ending another vehicle, ignoring traffic signs/signals, and violating traffic laws.

None of these actions are excusable and they directly lead to car crashes. Respect the law and be a safe driver so that you’ll rarely be found at fault for an accident.


Low-Income Issues: How to Save Money When You Earn Little?

Being your own boss, living the life to the fullest, being able to afford more than you could ever imagine, not getting worried about the money you spend – that’s the life most of us are striving for. However, the truth is that it takes time, patience, and effort to get to that point.

Every successful person starts somewhere. Most often, they have nothing at the beginning and grow to have everything.

How to do this? In this article, we are going to share some excellent tips on how you can save money on a budget.

There may be plenty of reasons why you earn a little. Most often, this is a temporary issue. Yet, at this time, it is important to become a pro in budgeting in order not to overspend.

Becoming more thoughtful about what you earn and how much you spend can be a tough task. However, even being on a budget, it is possible to buy the stuff you need or want. You just have to follow these simple money-saving tips:

Keep Track of the Money Flow

The first step to smart budgeting is always to start recording what you earn and what you spend.

First of all, try to record every penny you make. This includes not only your monthly salary but also any bonuses, cash from the lottery you won, money that you’ve been given on a birthday, loans, etc. You have to keep track of everything to get an idea of what your financial limitations are.

Next, you should also note down all expenses, including every coffee, tips you give to a waiter, unexpected spending, and everything else.

Getting used to keeping track of everything can be hard. However, there are plenty of helpful tracking apps that will help you make it a habit!

Cut Down Your Expenses

This is probably the worst part of living on a budget, but you have to cut your spending to start saving more.

The main tip here is not to rush into it and deprive yourself of everything. Instead, evaluate the things you spend money on and think about what you need and what you really don’t. Here are a few ideas of the expenses you can cut down on:

  • Food – you may love that takeaway pizza from a local restaurant or enjoy going out to eat. But is it really something you could not survive without. Start cooking more often, and this will significantly reduce your monthly spending;
  • Entertainment – no, you don’t have to deprive yourself of attending various entertaining events. What you can do is to look for ways to do it cheaper! There is always a movie theater with lower prices or a less fancy cafe. Also, there are plenty of opportunities for finding free or cheap events that won’t hit so hard on your budget;
  • Services – another huge opportunity for money saving are all sorts of services you’ve been using. For example, you could attend a hairdressing salon less often or take a walk to work instead of using transport. If you are a student constantly googling such a line as website to write my essay – well, maybe some expenses cannot be avoided!

There are plenty of other things that you can cut down on. For instance, consolidating debts such as credit cards and installment loans from can shrink your monthly payment.

Start Planning Ahead

Our next tip is to get on a schedule. Planning is a habit of highly productive and successful people. It can help you in many ways and save some money as well!

Use a calendar to note down all dates and events that require spending money. It should include the following:

  • Payment days;
  • Dates of automated payments such as utility bills, rent, and other expenses;
  • Important events and holidays (including birthdays of family members and friends), etc.

These are just a few examples of events for which you will have to save some cash. There can be many additional items of expenditure, so be sure to note them down. Doing so, you will never get caught by a surprise when your rent payment is due tomorrow, and you have no money left to pay for it.

Start Making More

If cutting down on expenses doesn’t sound too tempting to you, remember that there is always a way to increase your income!

Look for alternative or additional sources of income. This can be pretty much anything from selling some of the things you don’t need to getting a freelance side job.

The Bottom Line: Save Today to Have a Better Life Tomorrow

Probably each of us has been involved in the cycle of living from one paycheck to another, at least at a certain point. The good news is that it’s possible to get out of this vicious circle.

The modern world is full of great opportunities for everyone. So, all you need is to recognize and catch them. Work hard for the sake of your future success!

The bad news is that until you leave this cycle, you really have to ensure you are living within your means. Restricting your expenses at this point, though it can be a challenge, is the only way to stay afloat.

However, don’t get despaired too early! Living on a budget can still be comfortable. The idea is not to deprive yourself of all the fine things in life. It is more about setting the right priorities!

With a bit of patience and wise budgeting, even with a low income, you can afford lots of things! Use the tips given above to become more mindful of your spending and income, and you will have a chance to live your life to the fullest, even on a budget. Keep up the good work to destroy your boundaries. You got this!


The Cost of Accommodation in Las Vegas

Las Vegas is a big city, and like all the big cities Las Vegas has a wide variety of accommodations, like budget hotels where you can even stay for $ 15 a night. However, the city is famous for its large and luxurious hotels. Most of these super-luxury hotels are located south of the center, on the Las Vegas Strip and, specifically, in the accommodations that surround the popular Caesars Palace, a skyscraper hotel that at its base mimics a Roman temple and where the price for one is above 300 dollars .

As for the cheapest options to stay in Las Vegas, there are cheaper hotels, hostels and apartments.

In the case of hostels, you can share a room with 6, 8 or 10 people, the prices per tenant fall below $20 and there are several in the city, including Freemont Street, in the downtown area. The hostels are well equipped, some have a swimming pool and are frequented by young people to spend the weekend.

As for the hostels and small hotels in Las Vegas, these are spread throughout the city and their prices increase as it is closer to the Downtown or the Strip.

Finally, apartments or aparthotels range from luxury apartments to apartments and rooms rented by individuals on web platforms. Its location is more widespread outside the downtown area.

That notwithstanding, you can choose to stay in a casino in Las Vegas. Such Casino is the popular South Point Casino.

South Point Casino is a short drive from Las Vegas and features an outdoor pool, sauna and hot tub. It includes a fitness center, bowling, a free shuttle and body treatments. South Point Casino provides a golf course, valet parking and facials. The 24/7 front desk has a tour and attraction booking desk. Modern rooms are all air-conditioned and feature an iPod docking station, tea / coffee making facilities and on-demand movies. Each room has wireless internet access in the rooms, a flat-screen TV and a private bathroom with a hairdryer.

While staying at South Point Casino, guests can dine at Del Mar Deli Restaurant and unwind with a drink at Big Sur Oyster Bar. Every morning a buffet breakfast is served in the dining room. A range of restaurants and cafes are available in the surrounding area. The resort is a 15-minute drive from McCarran International Airport. The multilingual staff will be happy to suggest outing places and assist you in organizing your stay at Enterprise.

In any case, even luxury apartments that can exceed $ 300 per night, being able to be shared, are cheaper in your pocket than hotels.

To the question about what the best time is to travel to Las Vegas, you should never forget that the city is surrounded, in large part, by the desert, so in summer the temperatures can be suffocating. Fortunately, in the Strip area there are underground corridors with air conditioning included between hotels and the main attractions.

The seasonality, however, does not affect much the prices of accommodation while the arrival of the weekend does, being Las Vegas a typical destination for the two-day getaway.

Also, certain days of the year such as Labor Day, July 4, the second weekend of March for the celebration of the NASCAR race, Memorial Day or New Year, in addition to other holidays in the United States, also inflate the Prices with increasing demand for accommodation in Las Vegas.


4 Tips For Better Time Management

One of the most valuable skills you can develop is learning how to manage your time effectively. When you don’t know how to manage your time, you’ll fall short of your goals every time.

Effective time management doesn’t happen overnight. People who have fallen into the habit of squandering their time away, for the most part, may have a difficult time changing their ways.

The good news is that it is possible to turn things around if you’re willing to do the work. Regardless of how old you are, what your career is, or where you live, you can benefit from extra time.

If you’re interested in wasting less time and achieving more to-dos without wondering where the time went, then take a look at some of the best tips below.

Create Lists

Every day when you wake up, you should have a list of goals that you’d like to achieve. They can be anything as simple as shaving your face to running a 10k. The sky is the limit when deciding what your goals are.

For each goal that you add to your list, make sure that you have a reason for setting it. Without motivation behind what you’d like to achieve, it’s easy to get distracted.

Schedule Your Goals

Once you’ve got a list of everything you want to get done that day, schedule it in your agenda. Set a reasonable time frame that you think you’ll be able to achieve it in. Be careful not to get too overly ambitious in the beginning, or you could lose your steam early on.

At the end of the day, take a look at how much you were able to get done in the amount of time that you carved out for yourself and where you fell behind. By taking note of how long each task took you, you’ll see where you have room for improvement.

Eliminate Distractions

If you notice that you tend to get less work done when you have the TV on, or you’re looking at your phone, then the solution is simple. Get rid of these distractions so that you can focus.

If you’re serious about achieving your goals, then you’ll do whatever it takes to stay on task. You can reward yourself at the end of the day with the fun stuff. For now, it’s work time!

Take More Breaks

Taking more breaks is probably one of the last suggestions for better time management that you expected to receive. However, studies show that the more breaks you take, the better mental and physical state that you’ll be in.

Keeping your body and mind refreshed will increase your productivity, resulting in more work achieved in a shorter amount of time.



Types of Heart Surgery: Understanding the treatment options & road to recovery

Heart surgeries are usually performed to correct different types of heart diseases. Although heart diseases and problems don’t always require surgery and can be addressed with appropriate medications and lifestyle changes, while certain heart diseases and conditions may require surgical intervention.

Heart surgeries not only address issues in the arteries and heart valves but also help restore blood. Further listed are some useful details about the different types of heart surgery and the various treatment options associated with it.

Types of Heart Surgery

Here’s a list of some of the most common types of heart surgeries, as listed by NHLBI (National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute).

  1. CABG or Coronary Artery Bypass GraftingCABG is also referred to as coronary artery bypass surgery or heart bypass surgery. In this type of heart surgery, the surgeon takes a healthy artery or vein from another part of your body and connects it to supply the blood across the blocked coronary artery. This grafted vein or artery bypasses the blocked parts of the coronary artery, thereby creating a new path for blood circulation to the heart muscles. Usually, this procedure is performed for more than one coronary artery during the same CABG surgery.
  2. Heart Valve Replacement or Repair – In this heart surgery, the surgeon either repairs the heart valve or replaces it with an artificial heart valve or a biological valve that is made from human heart tissues. However, during the heart valve repair, a catheter is inserted through a large blood vessel and is guided to the heart. There is also a small balloon at the tip of the catheter that is meant to widen a narrow valve.
  3. Maze Surgery – In this heart surgery, the surgeon builds a pattern of scar tissues inside the upper chambers of the heart in order to redirect the electrical signals to the lower chambers of the heart along a controlled path. This surgery also blocks all stray electrical signals that generally cause the most common type of severe Arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation).
  4. ICD or Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator – Even though medicines are usually the main treatment option for Arrhythmia (a medical condition in which the heart beats too slow or too fast, or with an irregular rhythm), most surgeons recommend ICD surgery to patients who have Arrhythmia. If medications don’t work, then surgeons perform ICD heart surgery in which they implant a pacemaker under the skin of the chest or the abdomen. The wires of the pacemaker are connected to the heart chambers. This device makes the use of electrical pulses to control the rhythm of the heartbeat and restores the normal rhythm by sending an electric shock.
  5. Heart Transplant Surgery – In a heart transplant surgery, a diseased or weak heart is replaced with a healthy heart from a deceased donor. This type of heart surgery is quite complicated, and it usually requires lifelong healthcare and maintenance and proper medications.
  6. Aneurysm Repair – It is a type of heart surgery in which a weaker section of the heart wall or the artery is replaced with a graft or patch. This surgery is usually performed to repair a rounded bulge in the wall of the heart muscle or the artery.

In addition to these heart surgeries, a minimally enveloping substitute to open-heart surgery is also becoming very common, and it is the transcatheter structural heart surgery.

Treatment Options to Choose From

Your cardiac team will determine the best treatment for you according to your underlying heart problems, the severity of your blockages, and your future heart risks.

  1. Pharmaceutical Therapy – Different medications such as nitrates and beta-blockers are used for slowing down the progress of your heart disease along with easing its symptoms.
  2. Bypass Surgery – Also called CABG, it is an often-recommended option for treating artery blockages. This process usually includes two different types of surgeries – arrested heart surgery and beating heart surgery.
  3. Minimally Invasive Treatments – These treatments are an alternative to heart bypass surgery or CABG. They may include stenting, coronary balloon angioplasty, and MICS CABG.

Road to Recovery

Once a patient undergoes heart surgery, he/she is kept in the intensive care unit under continuous monitoring. The recovery time usually depends on the type of heart surgery and your overall health before and after the surgery. You need to know that it may take up to 6 to 12 weeks for an individual to fully recover from a traditional coronary artery bypass surgery. So, you can consult your cardiac team, follow the right medication routine, and bring necessary changes to your lifestyle to recover healthfully.