Archives for March 2018

Three Things To Remember When Making A Budget

Between work, chores, your kids, and everything else, you don’t enjoy a lot of downtime in your day-to-day life. Chances are when you do finally get an hour alone, you don’t want to waste it by going over your finances. You’d much rather spend it catching it up on Altered Carbon, taking a bath, or playing Settlers of Catan with your family. While any of those would be more fun than pouring over your finances, none of them holds the same financial importance. Though you may hate to do it, making a budget is one of the most important things you can do with your money. Once you’re ready to bite the bullet and spend the time you need to make a budget, keep these three tips in mind.

Don’t shelve your budget.

There’s a lot of hard work that goes into your budget. You have to tally your expenses, categorize your purchases, and figure how much you spend in comparison to what you earn. After all that number crunching, you probably don’t want to do it anytime soon. So you shelve your budget, hoping to forget about your terrible experience behind the calculator.

This defeats the purpose of your budget. It’s supposed to help guide your spending as you tackle challenges in your life. If you keep the same budget you made in your 30s — a time when you were single, renting, and just starting your career — it won’t have the same impact when your 50 — a time when you have a family, own a home, and are thinking about retirement.

A successful budget is one that’s reworked regularly. If nothing big changes in your life, you don’t have to check in with this document every week; every year should be good enough. But if something big does happen, you need to revisit your budget sooner. Serious things like buying a home, losing a job, or the need to travel the world are reason enough to redo your budget, but so are less significant things, like buying an Galaxy Note 8 or updating an inefficient furnace.

Prepare for the emergencies.

Often people realize they need a budget when two things happen. One, they’re facing a mountain of debt and they aren’t sure how to fix it. Two, they have big goals for the future and want to make sure they have the money to achieve them. While these are two important reasons to start budgeting, they aren’t the only ones.

A budget’s there so you can be prepared for the unexpected. Make sure there’s enough room for an emergency fund in your budget on top of your goals. This emergency fund can help you should financial disaster hit, giving you the ability to cover surprise household bills and repairs without worry.

Until you can build a considerable emergency fund, you may not be able to handle unexpected bills or repairs on your own. A personal loan is a great financial tool to help you make up the difference between your budding fund and your next emergency.

Use your budget to find the best rates

Whether you’re looking for a line of credit or a payday loan, you need to know your financial abilities before you lock into any personal loan. No two products are the same, and each will have different terms, conditions, and rates. You can use your budget to help you figure out what kind of conditions and rates you can afford, so you don’t sink further into debt by getting assistance.

Figure out the sort of cash you have on hand, so you know the size and frequency of payments you can realistically match without overextending yourself. Once you have those numbers in mind, you can search for the best assistance for your situation. Whether that’s a payday loan or something else entirely, your budget can help you find the best one.

Finding what works for your situation is why you created a budget in the first place. If you’re ready to start saving better than ever before, devote some of your precious spare time towards making a budget. Though it may not feel like it at first, it’s time well spent.

5 Questions to Ask Your Doctor When Your Child Is Diagnosed With ADHD


ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) are hard words to hear for a parent. Typically, children are diagnosed around age 12-14 but regardless of age, it’s never easy to hear.  No one like the thought of putting their children on medication.

Stay calm and ask your doctor these questions:

Critical Questions to Ask

1.      Are there are any positive aspects to ADHD?

Yes there are. If you do some research, you will see that a majority of people with ADHD are astonishingly creative, positive and just full of energy. What’s more, a lot of them have used the disability to become independent thinkers.

Moreover, once they think about accomplishing something, they do it without question and are adamant to achieve their goals no matter what. You can’t say something like – “You will never be able to do this” to a person battling ADHD. Their persistence and hard work will shock you.

People with ADHD are generally more laid back and have a big heart and kind personalities. You may also find some who have a brilliant sense of humor and a certain charisma. That is essentially where you role as a parent comes in – if you guide your shining light with care and love, you will become an instrumental element in your child’s success as he or she grows up.

2.      Are there any adverse qualities I should be concerned about?

Adults and children suffering with ADHD have a lot of trouble paying attention. Focusing on something becomes nightmarishly hard – which is especially true when they have absolutely no interest in the subject. For example, if your kid doesn’t like math at school – he will never try to or concentrate on learning it – and his condition is going to accentuate the problem.

Children with ADHD can be very disruptive, abruptly impulsive and hyperactive. Organizing things and activities or prioritizing their day to day tasks and chores can prove to be very difficult for them. ADHD patients can also be very forgetful – they might not stay consistent with one thing and are almost late with everything.

3.      Is there are treatment plan I can integrate my kid with?

The best treatment plan for your kid is education. You have to first help him ease to the fact that he is going to have to live with his condition. You need to first comprehensively understand what the disorder is to fully embrace it.  You have to make the adult or child understand that they may think that the disorder is going keep them living a full life – but with adequate help, ADHD can propel them way into the future – and help them fulfill their dreams.

Once you accept the positives and negatives of the condition, you can then move forward in life. You can hire a good trainer or guide for your child – or a professional and certified therapist who can encourage him that he can do better than just about anyone else.

It is also necessary that you ensure he sleeps on time and also gets some exercise either in school or at home or at the gym. You have to give your child your full attention, which is why it is necessary that you consider either switching jobs or perhaps have him homeschooled for a little while.

4.      What types of medications will your prescribe?

ADHD medication will play an instrumental role in balancing your child’s life. First of all it work effectively – secondly, there are no major side effects involved in a majority of ADHD medications such as vyvanse. The medication your doctor prescribes is going to work 80% of the time and is going to be the single most efficient element in treating your child. The medication lessens a bulk of the negative aspects.

If you choose to medicate your child, it’s worth noting that your child’s behavior may change while they adjust to the medication. Make sure to ask your doctor about every detail of the medication they’re recommending, as well as how you can save on your medications and find coupons for vyvanse.

It’s important that you work with a medical practitioner who can lay everything out to you in a precise and consistent manner. You have to understand that stimulant medications are very effective if used adequately.

5.      Is there any possibility of incorporating alternative treatment?

There are plenty of doctors who really don’t mind incorporating alternative methodologies of ADHD treatment. The only concern is the fact that whatever you integrate must be safe for the child. There have been people who have benefitted from herbal treatments to boost their focus and concentration levels and stay attentive. But alternative treatment can also be in the form of physical exercises – a process which is referred to as Low Energy Feedback Nuerofeedback System – which is a computerized form of neuro and biofeedback that helps improve working memory through physical activity.


How to Grow Your Business

Get to know your customers:
Understand your customer’s needs and develop products and services that meet those needs. You can gain insight into your customers by personalising your services and encouraging them to provide you with feedback.

Offer great customer service:
Ensure your customer service is exceptional and go the extra mile when you can. Your customers will not only remember great service they will also be more likely to refer other people to you.

Nurture existing customers and look for new opportunities:
Have strategies in place to nurture existing customers, such as staying in contact with them via an e-newsletter or letting them know about promotional events ahead of time.
At the same time, look for opportunities to get more work and build your customer base. Make sure that you find the right balance between nurturing customers and finding new ones.

Use social media:
Social media is a powerful tool to promote your business to potential customers and gain valuable insight through ‘social listening’. Through social listening you can find out what customers are saying about you, gain insight into their behaviour, identify keywords and trends that appeal to your target market and so improve your customer service. Social media can help you to build your business profile and attract new customers.

Attend networking events:
Invest time to build your networks – it’s not what you know but who you know.
Networking allows you to build relationships with other people and encourage them to refer customers to you through word of mouth.

Host events:
Hosting your own event can be a great way to get to know your customers and build relationships. Invite some of your best existing customers and encourage them to bring their friends.

Give back to your community:
Building brand awareness in your local community is a great way to attract new business. Consider sponsorship or participating in a community event to raise your business profile.

Measure what works and refine your approach as you go:
You should monitor where your customers are coming from in order to measure whether your marketing activities are successful or not. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Refine your approach if something is not working and focus more time on the activities that achieve the best results.

Best Investments to Grow Your Money:

The Classic Way – Earn it Slowly
Investors who have been around for a while will remember the classic Smith Barney commercial from the 1980s, where British actor John Houseman informs viewers in his unmistakable accent that they “make money the old fashioned way – they earn it.” When it comes to the most traditional way of doubling your money, that commercial’s not too far from reality. Perhaps the most tested way to double your money over a reasonable amount of time is to invest in a solid, non-speculative portfolio that’s diversified between blue-chip stocks and investment grade bonds. While that portfolio won’t double in a year, it almost surely will eventually, thanks to the old rule of 72 – The rule of 72 is a famous shortcut for calculating how long it will take for an investment to double if its growth compounds on itself. According to the rule of 72, you divide your expected annual rate of return into 72, and that tells you how many years it will take to double your money.

The Contrarian Way
Even straight-laced, even-keeled investors know that there comes a time when you must buy – not because everyone is getting in on a good thing, but because everyone is getting out. Just like great athletes go through slumps when many fans turn their backs, the stock prices of otherwise great companies occasionally go through slumps because fickle investors head for the hills.

The Safe Way
Just like how the fast lane and the slow lane on the freeway eventually lead to the same place, there are both quick and slow ways to double your money. So for those investors who are afraid of wrapping their portfolio around a telephone pole, bonds may provide a significantly less precarious journey to the same destination. But investors taking less risk by using bonds don’t have to give up their dreams of one day proudly bragging about doubling their money.

The Bottom Line
There’s an old saying that if “something is too good to be true, then it probably is.” That’s sage advice when it comes to doubling your money, considering that there are probably far more investment scams out there than sure things. While there certainly are other ways to approach doubling your money than the ones mentioned so far, always be suspicious when you’re promised results. Whether it’s your broker, your brother-in-law or a late-night infomercial, take the time to make sure that someone is not using you to double their money.

Traits of Successful People

1. They’re willing to take risks. Are you willing to bet the farm that you can achieve the goal you’ve set for yourself? If not, then you’re likely holding back on something. Success comes when you’re willing jump and truly go all-in. If you’re holding back on something, you’ll likely never reach your full potential.

2. They’re willing to work. Innate qualities like intelligence and talent play a factor in achieving success, but studies show that grit, hard work, and determination are just as important. And another study proves that dedicating enough quality, focused time to really any task or skill is ultimately what makes one an expert in something, more so than any other factor. So if you’re willing to put in the effort and stay the course, you can succeed. Period. The sad reality is that too few people are able to reach that level and remain committed, which is what sets apart those who can.

3. They’re willing to admit when they’re wrong. Success is never guaranteed, but experiencing setbacks along the way is basically a given. What differentiates those who ultimately fail from those who succeed is the ability to humbly admit where you went wrong, learn from your mistakes, and move on. Make the proper adjustments instead of dwelling on the setback and beating yourself up.

4. They’re willing to adapt. Getting too set in your ways and failing to see the bigger picture can be detrimental to success. Planning is important, but realize that few plans go off without a hitch, and the ability to roll with the punches is critical.

5. They know how to delegate, without micromanaging. Learning what to let go of and what to outsource is key, as it enables people who achieve success to focus only on the most important tasks that really can only be performed by them. Trying to shoulder everything is risky and is a surefire path to burnout.

Tips for Mindfulness

Live in the Present:
The idea of being mindful—being present, being more conscious of life as it happens—may seem contradictory to those who are used to sacrificing living for pursuing their goals, but cultivating mindfulness will help you achieve your goals and enjoy life more. In fact, you’re more productive when you’re mindful, among other science-backed benefits. But more importantly, being present is undoubtedly the only way to enjoy life to the fullest. By being mindful, you enjoy your food more, you enjoy friends and family more, you enjoy anything you’re doing more. Anything. Even things you might think are drudgery or boring, such as housework, can be amazing if you are truly present. Try it: Wash dishes or sweep or cook, and remain fully present. It takes practice, but it’s incredible.

Act Slower & More Deliberate:
You can do one task at a time, but also rush that task. Instead, take your time, and move slowly. Make your actions deliberate, not rushed and random. It takes practice, but it helps you focus on the task. Put your day on a track to mindfulness with these mindful morning exercises.

Do Less:
If you do less, you can do those things more slowly, more completely and with more concentration. If you fill your day with tasks, you will be rushing from one thing to the next without stopping to think about what you do. But you’re busy and you can’t possibly do less, right? You can. I’ve done it, and so have many busy people. It’s a matter of figuring out what’s important, and letting go of what’s not.

Space Things out:
Related to the “Do less” rule, but it’s a way of managing your schedule so that you always have time to complete each task. Don’t schedule things close together. Instead, leave room between things on your schedule. That gives you a more relaxed schedule, and leaves space in case one task takes longer than you planned. Transfer this method from your work life to home life in just four steps.

Spend at Least 5 Mins a Day Doing Nothing:
Just sit in silence. Become aware of your thoughts. Focus on your breathing. Notice the world around you. Become comfortable with the silence and stillness. It’ll do you a world of good—and just takes five minutes!

Stop Worrying About the Future:
Become more aware of your thinking. Are you constantly worrying about the future? Learn to recognize when you’re doing this, and then practice bringing yourself back to the present. Just focus on what you’re doing, right now. Enjoy the present moment.

Pay Attention in Conversation:
How many of us have spent time with someone but have been thinking about what we need to do in the future? Or thinking about what we want to say next, instead of really listening to that person? Instead, focus on being present, on really listening, on really enjoying your time with that person. These magic phrases can save any conversation.

Make Cooking & Cleaning Meditative:
Cooking and cleaning are often seen as drudgery, but actually they are both great ways to practice mindfulness, and can be great rituals performed each day. If cooking and cleaning seem like boring chores to you, try doing them as a form of meditation. Put your entire mind into those tasks, concentrate, and do them slowly and completely. It could change your entire day (as well as leave you with a cleaner house).

Biggest Celebrity News of 2017

Oscar Disaster:
It was easily the biggest flub in award show history: Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway stood on the stage at the Academy Awards on Feb. 26 and announced the wrong best picture winner. Warren opened the card first and looked at it somewhat blankly. He then handed it to Faye, who announced that “La La Land” had won. Oops! The actual winner was “Moonlight.” The duo had been given the wrong card — a backup envelope announcing best actress winner Emma Stone, who starred in “La la Land” — by a PricewaterhouseCoopers staffer who’d been tweeting backstage moments before. Faye simply saw the movie title next to Emma’s name and announced it. Chaos ensued and the Oscar statuettes were literally taken out of the hands of the producers of “La La Land” and placed into the hands of the “Moonlight” producers once the mistake was realized. The accounting firm later issued a statement claiming “full responsibility” for the debacle. What a mess!

Manchester Bombing:
A tragic and senseless act shook the entertainment world to its core on May 22. As fans exited Ariana Grande’s show inside the 21,000-seat Manchester Arena that evening, a suicide bomber blew himself up in the venue’s rotunda, killing 22 — including an 8-year-old girl — and injuring more than 60 others. British authorities quickly ruled it a terrorist It was reported that Ariana’s mother helped rush several fans backstage after hearing the bomb go off. Several hours later, Ariana flew home to Florida and tweeted: “broken. from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don’t have words.” On June 4, Ariana returned to Manchester for a charity concert, also included music heavyweights Coldplay, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Pharrell Williams and the Black Eyed Peas. About $13 million was raised, with proceeds earmarked for victims and their families. “I love you guys so much, and I think the kind of love and unity you’re displaying is the medicine the world needs right now,” Ariana told the crowd of 50,000.

Clooney Baby:
George Clooney and Amal Clooney became parents to twins on June 6. The couple announced the pirth of their son and daughter in a statement that, as usual, employed a little humor at the actor’s expense. “This morning Amal and George welcomed Ella and Alexander Clooney into their lives. Ella, Alexander and Amal are all healthy, happy and doing fine. George is sedated and should recover in a few days,” the statement read. The twins, who both have dark hair, were born in London, where they will also be raised.

Jay-Z & Beyonce twins:
It seemed like it took forever to happen, but on June 13, Beyonce and JAY-Z welcomed their twins, a boy and a girl. The couple named them Sir and Rumi. A few days later, TMZ reported that the babies were born premature and were “under the lights,” which likely refers to the phototherapy that’s used on babies who have jaundice. The kids, however, are fine. Beyonce finally confirmed the births herself with an epic Instagram post on July 13.

Vegas Mass Shooting:
Country music will always remember Oct. 1, 2017. So will Las Vegas. On that day, while Jason Aldean was performing, capping off the three-day Route 91 Harvest country music festival in Vegas, a gunman began firing down onto the crowd of roughly 25,000 people. After a flurry of gunshots, which went on for more than 10 minutes, finally ended, 58 people were dead and over 500 were injured. It was the worst mass shooting in United States history. The gunman, who was firing from his room on the 32nd floor of the nearby Mandalay Bay hotel, took his own life. Afterward, Jason took to Instagram. “Tonight has been beyond horrific. I still don’t know what to say but wanted to let everyone know that Me and my Crew are safe,” he wrote. “My Thoughts and prayers go out to everyone involved tonight. It hurts my heart that this would happen to anyone who was just coming out to enjoy what should have been a fun night. #heartbroken #stopthehate.” A few days later, Jason and his wife returned to Vegas to visit with victims in the hospital. Just six days after the shooting, he performed on “Saturday Night Live,” opening the show by stating, “This week, we witnessed one of the worst tragedies in American history. Like everyone, I’m struggling to understand what happened that night and how to pick up the pieces and start to heal. So many people are hurting. There are children, parents, brothers, sisters, friends — they’re all part of our family. So I want to say to them: We hurt for you and we hurt with you. But you can be sure we’re going to walk through these tough times together, every step of the way, because when America is at its best, our bond and our spirit, it’s unbreakable.”

Ben & Jen Split:
On April 13 — almost two years after she and Ben Affleck announced that their 10-year marriage was ending — Jennifer Garner finally filed for divorce. The split, as expected, was totally amicable. There is no prenuptial agreement so they’ll have to divvy up whatever they’ve earned during their marriage. Ben finally moved out of their family home in late April.

6 Hottest Travel Destinations

Sure, there’s the Singapore Sling, but there’s so much more on the menu here, where one of the world’s coolest cocktail scenes is emerging. Six Singapore bars made the 2017 World’s 50 Best Bars List, including Operation Dagger and Manhattan, a swanky, NYC-inspired room with leather couches and Art Deco touches. New options for sleeping it off abound, too: the Sofitel Singapore City Centre and the InterContinental Singapore Robinson Quay opened in October, and the island’s grand dame, Raffles Singapore (home of the original Sling), will emerge from a major renovation later in the year.

Nassau, Bahamas
The Bahamas’ capital city is going big in 2018: After the long awaited Baha Marresort complex finally opened its doors last year (adding a Grand Hyatt and an SLS Hotel), the Rosewood Baha Mar joins the club this spring. But even bigger news is Royal Caribbean’s 5,500-passenger Symphony of the Seas — the world’s largest cruise ship — which will set sail from Miami beginning in November and stop at Nassau during seven-night Eastern Caribbean sailings.

Catalina Island, California
It’s only a one-hour ferry ride from Southern California’s Newport Beach, but Catalina feels a world away. Spend a weekend hiking 27 miles of new trails, or flying over Descanso Beach on the new Catalina Aerial Adventure. All that cardio calls for a chocolate cone from Scoops, nestled in the town of Avalon, just a few blocks away from the ferry pier.

Perth, Australia
Western Australia’s uber-cool coastal city is well worth the journey. Downtown, the new Elizabeth Quay waterfront teems with buzzworthy restaurants, hip cocktail bars, and cool modern art installations. Elsewhere, the new Perth Stadium will bring Premier League soccer to the city this summer, and a continued expansion plan promises 13 new hotels in the next two years, including a Ritz-Carlton and a Doubletree.

This tropical paradise of 332 palm-fringed South Pacific islands is always deserving of a spot on the bucket list, but especially now. Last year, Marriott opened its first property in the islands, the Fiji Marriott Resort Momi Bay, which also brought more overwater bungalows to the country. (Think traditional bures, but on stilts and with vaulted ceilings.) A Six Senses Fiji is slated to open on Malolo Island in 2018, and the eco-friendly Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort Fiji is launching new wellness retreats for 2018. Each of these resorts exemplifies exactly what travelers come to Fiji for: picture-perfect beaches, warm hospitality, excellent diving, and all the solitude your heart desires.

Papagayo Peninsula, Costa Rica
The beauty of this lush peninsula on Costa Rica’s Pacific coast isn’t leaving anytime soon — the government mandates that 70 percent of land remain protected. In December, the Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo reopened after a $35 million renovation. Naturally, the luxury resort focuses on eco-friendly adventure, with canyon zip lines, volcano hikes, and catamaran cruises on the activity list.

DIY Home Decor Ideas

Accessorizing your home with chic accents doesn’t have to be expensive or time-consuming. In as little as one hour or as much as a weekend, you can brighten any room—even the bathroom—and leave family and friends admiring your creativity. Here are five projects to get you started. For more ideas, see the sources at the end of this article.

Geometric Rugs – Start with a plain flat-weave or sisal rug and add to it your favorite geometric design—stripes, triangles, diamonds, triangles, or whatever comes to mind. Use painter’s tape to map the design on the rug, and then paint the rug with your choice of interior wall paint. When the paint is completely dry, peel off the tape, stand back, and admire a job well done.

Veggie Art – This project makes unique wall art for any room. But no, you won’t be cutting up veggies and framing them. You’ll be using them as a paint stamp. Start by cutting a few stalks of bok choy or celery two to three inches from the bottom. Wipe off as much moisture as possible, and then let the stalks dry for one hour. Grab a paint canvas and two cans of crafts paint in the same color but of different hues. Pour some of the darker hued paint onto a paper plate. Dip the end of the bok choy or celery into the paint, and press the paint end of the stalk on the canvas as if using a stamp—wherever and in whatever orientation you choose. When the paint is dry, repeat the process with the lighter-hued paint. Overlap the colors, as you like.

Lace Doily Bowls – If you don’t have any lying around the house, check flea markets and antique stores for lace doilies in a variety of sizes and shapes. Prepare a mixture consisting of one-part crafts glue and one-part water. Dip a doily into the mixture. Smooth the doily over an upside-down glass bowl, using your hands to ensure that the bowl is covered. After the doily has dried, gently peel it from the bowl. You now have a repurposed storage vessel to hold some of your timeless treasures.

Ombre Furniture – Turn the drawers of a ho-hum dresser into an ombre beauty with this project. Grab a can of paint in a color of your choice along with another can of white paint. Use the white paint to make various hues of the colored paint. If you would rather not mix paint, grab a can of paint in each of the hues on a paint-chip card. Paint the top drawer with the lightest hue. Use the next darker hue for each subsequent drawer. The bottom drawn should be in the darkest hue in your palette.

Dip-Dyed Accessories – Perk up drab cotton curtains, place mats, napkins and pillowcases with a dip into a pot of fabric dye in the color of your choice for a color-popping two-toned look. It’s simple. Just dunk the fabric in the dye, remove it, and wait for it to dry, and you’re ready to go.

Health & Fitness Tips

3. Get Off the Couch / Away From Your Desk – Straight up! Get away from the TV, up from your desk, get outside for a walk, bike ride or an activity of some sort. The amount of time sitting down definitely plagues our society & it can usually stem from our home and work routines. Inactivity breeds bad habits like junk food or snacking. Looking for that quick fix with food, so that you can get back to the TV shows you are bingeing or the office work you can’t let yourself get away from. Getting into a regular routine of biking or walking every day can help get those juices flowing for a happy and more active life.

2. Find an Activity – It’s not all about going to the gym to get healthy. Gather up some friends and join a softball league, or a running group. Getting into a social atmosphere can help the enjoyment level for activity sky-rocket, especially if you don’t like to move much at this point. Not only will it be a fun way to get active and healthy, but those friends will also help hold you accountable for showing up and working hard. Super important to hold each other in a high regard, be supportive & make sure that the work is being put in. Also remember that it could take a month or 2 for these new routines to become normal, especially if you haven’t really done much recently. COMMIT! COMMIT! COMMIT! You may not see the results on the outside fast, but have faith that you are doing incredible things for your well-being.

1. It’s Mostly About the Food – You may have seen figures all over the place, whether its 50% or 70% of results come from food … fact of the matter is that it is SUPER important to put into your body that which is nourishing and as natural as possible. ‘Diets’ or ‘Cleanses’ are fine, only if you are getting the necessary nutrition for your daily needs, but also know that commercial diets and cleanses are all about making money for these corporations. Companies want you to buy their product & ultimately those products need to be as cheap as possible for maximum revenue. So consider that looking at what you are eating at home & changing a few things at a time is a great way to ease into a natural ‘diet’. Removing unnatural or refined sugar could be a great start (pop, juice, candy, etc), practice that for a week or 2 & then move onto something else. The most natural diet includes fatty acids (eggs, nuts), lots of vegetables, meats/protein & seasonal fruits. If you can simplify your diet to these main things, you will see results fast.