How Cannabis Oil or CBD Works with Prescription Medications

In recent years, studies on CBD or cannabis oil, as it is also known, have been widespread with the aim of understanding the potency of the compound. Truly, many people who have used the compound have shown improvement in various conditions like chronic pain, anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease and many more. However, CBD is not the only solution as patients have to take other prescription medications for their conditions. This said, it is a prudent idea to understand how cannabis oil works with these prescription medicines and whether or not it can replace them.

The View from Researchers

According to current studies, it is not clear how CBD reacts with other medications that people take to treat various health conditions. However, one study on CBD’s interaction with epilepsy drugs concluded that the highly concentrated dose of CBD given to the patients could react with other medicines like zonisamide, eslicarbazepine, and clobazam. The result of this was found to be increased dizziness and sedation. Also, the patients’ blood was also affected.

Apart from this study, researchers have been working around the clock to understand the interaction of CBD with other drugs that people take, but the issue has been enigmatic for some time now. Many health research centers are optimistic that they will understand the issue in due time. But the good thing is that there have been no cases of negative interactions that have been recorded. Patients using both CBD and medication seem to be responding well without negative side effects.

Benefits of CBD When Used Together with Prescription Drugs

Probably, you have read a lot about the potency and health benefits of cannabis oil. Even when used with prescription drugs for epilepsy, pain, Alzheimer’s disease and many other conditions, the expected benefits are the same. It is no wonder that people have been visiting Berkshirecbd to find the best CBD products they can use. Let us look at the benefits.

· Mitigating pain – people commonly use different types of painkillers to deal with pain like migraines, back pain or pain from injuries. But CBD oil will work well with most of them to boost the pain relief. When taken, the compound is absorbed into the nerve and brain cells to decrease pain signals.

· Reducing inflammation – this condition is caused by different health issues in the body. As you take medications to treat the root cause, cannabis oil will decrease inflammation without causing side effects in the body.

· Managing epilepsy – we have already mentioned that there are possible side effects relating to blood and feelings of sedation. However, CBD still improves the management of epilepsy when taken in concentrated form. When prescription medications are taken together with cannabis oil, the patients experience relief faster.

Final Thoughts

Cannabis oil or CBD has additional benefits. It reduces anxiety, promotes sleep and treats skin illnesses among others. Because of this, many more prescription medications are used together with it. But as mentioned, it is not yet completely clear whether or not some medications could interact negatively with CBD. When researchers discover the answer, they will tell us. For now, we know that CBD is a potent compound with many health benefits.




CBD And Anxiety: Everything You Need To Know

It is normal to feel anxious sometimes – but for some people, anxiety is a bigger problem. Around 13% of adults feel anxious on a regular basis, and hundreds of thousands of people live with anxiety disorders. This can be stressful and upsetting, but CBD oil can be used to reduce anxious feelings.

Here is everything you need to know about CBD and anxiety.

Does CBD Help With Anxiety?

CBD is pure cannabidiol, which is one of the 80 active components found in the hemp plant. While CBD isn’t quite as famous as THC (the component that can get you high), it has become very popular in the last few years, and this is partially due to its calming effects. While most research on the component is still fairly new, hundreds of studies have taken place, and this has provided mounting evidence that cannabidiol can be used to reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.

In fact, a 2018 study from the Food and Drug Administration found that CBD can be used to treat certain types of epilepsy, and the World Health Organisation also started that there is evidence that CBD can be used to treat a range of medical conditions, including stress and anxiety. So the evidence is piling up – but if you do decide to try CBD, it is very important to get the dose right.

Do you want to try taking CBD for anxiety? If so, you can buy CBD distillate oil for sale online.

How To Take CBD For Anxiety

Most research so far seems to indicate that CBD works best for anxiety when it is taken on a regular basis. This is called the cumulative effect, but it is important to be aware that CBD is considered a natural supplement (rather than a form of medication), so it is regulated by the FDA. This means that there are lots of products out there, and some are more reputable than others – so we suggest only buying from professional, reputable brands with lots of reviews.

How much CBD you take entirely depends on the individual. Some people find that one drop underneath the tongue once a day is enough, while others take capsule tablets a few times a day.

You can also take CBD in quite a few different ways, as it comes in oil format. So you can take CBD tablets, or you can buy the oil and use it however you want. Some people even add it to their cooking oil when they are making dinner.

How Much Should You Take?

A study from 2010 found that the ideal oral CBD dose for anxiety is 400mg. This will reduce anxiety symptoms for most people, but if you try this and it isn’t effective you may want to up the dose; a second study in 2011 found that 600mg is also very effective, especially before a stressful event. So we suggest 400mg or 600mg – but you might find a slight variation on this works perfectly for you.


How to Smile with More Confidence

Most of us want to be happier, we want to smile more and enjoy life a little bit more. However, smiling isn’t always that easy, particularly if you’re not happy with the way your smile or your teeth look. The good news is you can smile with much more confidence, you just have to know how.

This article will show you how you can smile with more confidence so you’re a happier person.

Allow your Smile to be a Healthy One

In other words, look after your teeth and gums. If you take good care of your teeth and gums you’re much more likely to have a nice smile. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and make sure you also use mouthwash from time to time.

Don’t forget to floss twice a day so that you get rid of those excess bits of food. Looking after your teeth can make them look so much better. It’ll also make you feel a lot less conscious about your teeth too.

Consider Making your Smile Better

If you have crooked teeth or gaps in your teeth there are ways and means for you to make your smile better. Getting dental implants fitted can fill in those gaps or make your teeth look straighter. Did you know that implants can look exactly like your current teeth? This ensures they won’t stand out too much or look like dentures. They can help you to feel much more confident when you talk and when you smile. Implants can allow you to express yourself more freely, and feel better about yourself.

Use Whitening Toothpaste

A great way to make your smile look so much better is to use whitening toothpaste. This type of toothpaste will help your teeth to look whiter in just a few days. You will have to keep using whitening toothpaste to reap the rewards but it’s definitely worth it.

If you are looking for something a little more permanent, you might want to consider having your teeth whitened by your dentist. Not only will you feel even more confident about your teeth but you’re likely to find yourself smiling even more often.

Smile When you Feel Like it

When you feel like smiling simply smile. When you smile you start to feel so much better and you’re likely to start enjoying life a little more. You can still smile even if you don’t have the greatest or whitest set of teeth. When you smile more often you’ll find that you have more of a spring in your step.

You should always look after your teeth and gums so they cause your fewer problems and you have a great smile. Consider using whitening toothpaste, have implants, brush your teeth twice a day and start to feel much more confident. When you start to look after your smile, it will start to look after you. Do what you can to boost your confidence each time you talk or laugh.

5 Key Benefits of Invisalign Clear Aligners

There have been amazing advancements when it comes to straightening your teeth. In years past the preferred way to create better tooth alignment and a great smile was to spend months at the orthodontist and go through the ritual of getting braces. In general, braces were uncomfortable and looked a bit like they were part of a wire fence. Interestingly, the first braces were even called the “wire crib”!

Today there are great options for helping gently move your teeth so that you have perfect alignment and a wonderful smile. Invisalign clear aligners are custom-designed for each individual’s unique needs and are part of a treatment plan that is fully computerized. Dental patients know how long their treatments will take before they even put the first aligners on.

When compared to the rather mechanical and archaic metal braces, Invisalign offers many key benefits.

Almost Invisible

Whereas traditional braces are highly visible pieces of metal and unsightly wires, Invisalign trays are nearly invisible. They are clear in appearance and it doesn’t look like you are wearing braces at all. Because the aligners are clear nothing detracts from your smile and you can handle social situations without any embarrassment. If you are an adult with Invisalign braces you will love that they are barely noticeable.


Braces were never comfortable. The metal braces were attached to your teeth and had to stay there until a dentist removed them. The Invisalign trays are made of a smooth plastic and are specifically created to fit your mouth perfectly. Best of all, the aligners can be removed for a short time when you want to eat or drink. This lets you eat any food you like, where traditional braces always had a list of forbidden foods. Since Invisalign is removable you will also not have to struggle with pieces of food getting caught in the braces.

Reduced Treatment Time

When you had metal braces installed it seemed like the treatment went on forever. Then, just when you hoped you might get the braces off, you would often be told that you needed another months long course of braces to really get the job done right. With Invisalign the treatment protocol typically is somewhere between 10 weeks and half the time of old-fashioned braces.

Invisalign is Custom Created for You

Where braces often resembled a metal Lego construction kit, Invisalign clear aligners are custom-designed so they perfectly fit over your teeth. Since the device is a perfect model for you it is very comfortable and can put just the right pressure in the right place to carefully align your teeth.

Shift Teeth Gradually

One of the best benefits of Invisalign is that it gently and gradually shifts your teeth into place. During your treatment you receive a progression of new Invisalign aligners that slowly move your teeth to where they should be. This is much better than metal braces, which often forced things in place mechanically. With Invisalign teeth can be moved horizontally or vertically, and you can even rotate a tooth if necessary.

If you would like straight teeth and a beautiful smile, but don’t want to experience the discomfort and unflattering appearance of braces then you should consider treatment with Invisalign. These clear aligners are better than braces in many ways and will get the job done in half the time.

The Benefits of a Back Pain Assessment

If you suffer from back pain, you know that at times the pain level can be excruciating. Whether it is from a pinched nerve, misalignment in your spine or other cause the pain can often radiate across your back and up into your neck or arm. The pain is intense and in some moments it seems like you might never get relief.

Problems with back pain affect the very fabric of your life. People with back problems often find that their life is disrupted and they are no longer able to do the things they love to do. Sleep can be interrupted and you may wake up with intense pain because of the angle of your spine or back during sleeping. Daily tasks that once were easy may worsen the condition. For example, even carrying groceries in from the car may strain an already injured area and trigger another cycle of pain.

The road to recovery begins with taking action for what’s going on with your back. One of the best first steps in the process is to take a back pain assessment that guides you through questions about what is going on. After you complete the questionnaire you will receive advice and useful information for treating your condition without surgery.

The Next Step

After you have completed the back pain assessment the next step may be to schedule an appointment for an in-person assessment and follow up. Chiropractors are experts in helping people relieve back pain problems without the use of surgery or addictive drugs. They are specially trained to evaluate the structural alignment of the spine and look for conditions that are causing you pain. An estimated 18 million adults receive healing chiropractic treatments each year.

Your First Visit

When you go in for your first appointment the chiropractor will talk about what’s going on with your pain and your back. Patients find that chiropractors take the time to really listen and truly care about their problem. They will conduct a full assessment of your spine and other structural elements. X-rays are often taken so the chiropractor can accurately diagnose areas that need attention and healing. They will also evaluate your posture and look for signs of chronic problems.

How Chiropractic Care Works

The alignment of our spine is critical to our overall health. Over time, repetitive activities such as sitting hunched over a keyboard all day can cause misalignments that leave us with poor posture and even pain. Sometimes there are chronic conditions that cause our spines to curve. In all of these cases, the chiropractor can help bring relief by making careful adjustments to the spine. These adjustments, which may be done manually or with use of a tool, help us realign to our proper form.

If you find yourself suffering from chronic back pain that is affecting your daily activities and your quality of life, you should get a full back pain assessment from your chiropractor. They will be able to assess exactly what is happening with your back and recommend a treatment plan that will put you on the road to pain-free good health once again.

4 Ways to Take Great Care of Your Teeth

If you would like to have a great smile throughout your lifetime, it’s important to take good care of your teeth. In addition to getting annual checkups and having cavities filled, you need to follow a regular schedule of preventive dental protocols. These treatments can help your teeth last longer and stay stronger.

Your local dentist can offer a consultation to explain the best oral care options and review the available preventive treatment plans. Overall, the goal is to get your mouth and teeth healthy and then use on-going care programs to assure that good oral health continues into the future.

Preventive dentistry offers many benefits in addition to improved oral health. It will help you avoid costly problems later on, preserve your permanent teeth and keep you smiling brightly every day. There are several types of preventive treatments to consider.

Cleaning Your Teeth (Prophylaxis)

One of the best options for improving the health of your teeth and mouth is to schedule regular cleaning of your teeth. During this procedure the dental hygienist will be able to perform a thorough cleaning of your teeth, including those hard to reach places that most brushing misses. They remove and prevent the buildup of plaque and help make sure that your gums continue to be healthy. They will also polish and examine your mouth and teeth. Scheduling regular teeth cleaning helps you stay ahead of problems and improves your oral health.

Dental Hygiene Evaluation and Training

Part of your time with the dental hygienist will be devoted to reviewing and evaluating your daily oral care regimen. Suggestions about the best way to brush and floss may be offered and the dentist or hygienist may also suggest important options that can help preserve your teeth. One example is the use of a guard to help prevent grinding your teeth during the night. When you grind your teeth, you break down the structure of the tooth and create problems that will result in expensive tooth repairs. A night guard cushions the teeth and protects them from further damage.

Fluoride Treatments

Fluoride is often applied to the chewing surface of the back teeth in order to help improve their resistance to decay. This treatment works for both children and adults. Fluoride may also be applied along the gum line as a means to desensitize adult teeth. There are even special fluoride prescriptions that can help reverse small cavities deep between the teeth.


Many of us remember having lots of cavities when we were kids. Preventive dentistry now offers treatments that cover the surfaces of the back teeth in children with a plastic sealant. This dramatically reduces the incidence of back teeth cavities at an early age.

For the best protection and care of your teeth be sure to schedule regular appointments for preventive dentistry. By following this approach, you will greatly improve your oral and dental health and help assure that your teeth are in great shape for years to come.

3 Key Areas Where Chiropractic Care Can Help

If you are at a place in life where your overall health is not what you would like it might be time to invest in a program to revitalize your well-being. When you are suffering from specific discomforts, experiencing chronic or intense pain or have noticed that your movement and posture is not right it’s likely a good time to consult a local chiropractor.

A professional chiropractor can evaluate your conditions, assess your overall health and recommend a treatment plan that will have you feeling as good as new. While they specialize in keeping your spine and body structure in perfect form, they can also provide you with nutritional guidance and caring treatment for a number of different conditions. Their spinal adjustments can improve your posture and restore your spine and body to its perfect form.

During your initial visit your chiropractor will carefully listen to your health concerns and perform an assessment. X-rays are often taken so that the chiropractor can evaluate what needs to be done to help you. These X-rays also serve as a benchmark to show the progress you make during treatment.


If you suffer from severe or recurring painful headaches your chiropractor may be able to help. Headaches can often be caused by a misalignment of the neck or spine, tension or reduced oxygen flow. Poor ergonomics at work can also contribute to the head pain you are experiencing. Your chiropractor will evaluate the causes for your headaches, perform the necessary adjustments and create a custom treatment plan to help you.

Chronic Back Pain

When you experience chronic back pain, it can disrupt and ruin your life. Daily tasks become difficult or impossible when you are in extreme pain and cannot function in life. Even your sleep might be disrupted as you wake up several times a night. Chiropractors specialize in providing back pain relief without surgery or dangerous pain killers. Their spinal adjustments can take care of problem areas and they can also recommend the best exercises to do to help with your care.

Spinal Problems from Sitting All Day at the Job

So many people spend their days at a desk, hunched over a keyboard as they lean forward to look at the monitor. One of their hands continuously reaches out for the mouse and incoming phone calls are juggled by cradling the phone between your head and neck. With every passing work day this repeated positioning results in poor posture and extra pressure on your shoulders, neck and back. As a result, spinal discs and bones can actually shift and become badly misaligned. Your chiropractor can evaluate your spinal structure and workplace ergonomics, make appropriate spinal adjustments and provide tips for improving your posture and health.

When you are in pain or notice that your posture has slumped and your shoulders are not balanced with your body, it’s time to seek out top-notch chiropractic care. Chiropractors can provide the spinal adjustments and comprehensive treatment plans that will alleviate your current levels of pain and help restore you to optimum and complete health.

The Importance of an Advanced Anti-Aging Medical Program

Aging is an issue that affects each one of us, both on a personal and a societal level. Our population is aging rapidly and each one of us also comes to see the signs of aging creep in. In our twenties our hormone levels begin to decline and by our thirties they are only a fraction of their peak level. By the time we are forty our hair can begin to gray and our eyesight begins to be less sharp. We also see shifts in our muscular and skeletal structures and those aches and pains begin.

It’s best to address the aging process early in life. Anti-aging medicine is a cutting-edge field that offers clients a way to forestall or even reverse the aging process. By working with a leading anti-aging doctor you will be introduced to a medically sound anti-aging program and mentored lifestyle that helps you reduce the aging effects and maintain optimum health.

The best anti-aging medical protocols involve a number of different elements across multiple disciplines. By weaving together effective therapies and advanced methods of addressing aging, your doctor can develop a plan customized for you.

Resetting Your Natural Hormone Levels

When our natural hormone levels fall in our forties, we see the symptoms of aging start to emerge. We may find that our energy levels are lower, sleep is less certain and we are gaining weight. In addition, mental quickness is often lessened and we find that our libido may be lower too. Your anti-aging doctor can create a customized therapy of hormone replacement to help reverse these signs of aging. When your hormone levels are replenished your vitality will come back.

Anti-Aging Nutrition

For centuries human beings relied on a Paleolithic diet that consisted largely of vegetables, fruits and meats that were lean. This diet, which was natural and contained almost no processed fats or simple carbs, was the one to which our digestive systems became accustomed. By returning to a diet that is more natural with less modern artificial and highly processed foods we can restore our health and therefore forestall aging and illness. Nutritional supplements can also play a big part in crafting a great anti-aging nutritional plan.

Fitness and Exercise

Cardiovascular activity is an essential part of the anti-aging exercise and fitness routine. Resistance training is also critical for increasing bone density and helping with our body shape. More muscle mass also means we burn additional calories each day even in a resting state. A good anti-aging program will also include flexibility stretches and exercises and agility training.

Stress Reduction

Stress can cause premature aging and can affect multiple systems within our body. Your anti-aging doctor can guide you in how to address stress in your life and suggest exercise ideas and relaxation therapy that helps relieve stress in your life. A strong social support system also helps keep stress levels manageable.

If you would like to have superb health throughout your life, it’s a great idea to work with an anti-aging doctor who can develop a multi-level plan to help keep you young. By layering in important protocols related to hormone replacement, nutrition, exercise and stress reduction you can have an active and wonderful life for years to come.

Trauma Therapy Options for Treating PTSD

One of the most crippling mental health conditions is post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. This condition is typically triggered when a person experiences or even witnesses a horrific or terrifying event. The effect of this event may last for quite a period of time, spanning months or even years. Nightmares, extreme anxiety and flashbacks are some of the symptoms of PTSD.

Whenever a person goes through a traumatic event there can be a difficult time ahead as they try to cope and adjust to what they experienced or witnessed. It’s very important to get treatment if you have PTSD so you can mitigate your symptoms and lessen the devastating effect of PTSD on your daily life.

As you seek counseling, you should look for a therapist who has experience helping people through problems associated with PTSD. There are different approaches and modalities used in trauma therapy, so it’s good to explore your options and discover which therapy works best for you.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Often during treatment for PTSD your therapist will use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). The basis for this treatment method is rooted in the assumption that the individual affected by PTSD need to change their thoughts and increase their coping skills. Training in using breath to manage the stress and techniques that help the individual replace irrational thoughts with less threatening, accurate understandings is part of CBT.


A skilled hypnotherapist can guide an individual into an altered, or hypnotic, state. Once there the therapist can talk to the person about the problem they are seeking treatment for. It is believed that the emotions or thoughts that the patient feels during hypnosis are important to the healing process. Studies found that hypnotherapy helped improve sleep and decrease symptoms in individuals experiencing PTSD.

Psychodynamic Therapy

When psychodynamic therapy is used, there is a key focus on the unconscious mind. The unconscious is where thoughts that that are too painful to examine and upsetting feelings are stored. Even though thoughts that are unconscious are not within our awareness they can still have a profound effect on our lives.

Psychodynamic therapy allows the counselor to pinpoint where the individual stands regarding the traumatic event. Once they understand how the event is being processed and where the client is stuck they can help them work through processing the trauma and integrating it.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

In order to perform Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, therapists must attend special training from one of the recognized associations that conducts the educational courses in EMDR. Organizations such as the EMDR International Association or the EMDR institute offer the training on a regular basis.

During an EMDR session the client focuses on the traumatic experience while the therapist uses a moving finger or light that the patient’s eyes follow. At times sound tones are also used. The treatment can be very effective as it basically helps reprogram the brain to help alleviate the trauma.

Post-traumatic stress disorder can be a debilitating condition that drastically alters one’s ability to fully function and have a truly enjoyable life. A skilled therapist can help an individual by employing various treatments that help reduce or eliminate the effects of PTSD.

Types of Heart Surgery: Understanding the treatment options & road to recovery

Heart surgeries are usually performed to correct different types of heart diseases. Although heart diseases and problems don’t always require surgery and can be addressed with appropriate medications and lifestyle changes, while certain heart diseases and conditions may require surgical intervention.

Heart surgeries not only address issues in the arteries and heart valves but also help restore blood. Further listed are some useful details about the different types of heart surgery and the various treatment options associated with it.

Types of Heart Surgery

Here’s a list of some of the most common types of heart surgeries, as listed by NHLBI (National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute).

  1. CABG or Coronary Artery Bypass GraftingCABG is also referred to as coronary artery bypass surgery or heart bypass surgery. In this type of heart surgery, the surgeon takes a healthy artery or vein from another part of your body and connects it to supply the blood across the blocked coronary artery. This grafted vein or artery bypasses the blocked parts of the coronary artery, thereby creating a new path for blood circulation to the heart muscles. Usually, this procedure is performed for more than one coronary artery during the same CABG surgery.
  2. Heart Valve Replacement or Repair – In this heart surgery, the surgeon either repairs the heart valve or replaces it with an artificial heart valve or a biological valve that is made from human heart tissues. However, during the heart valve repair, a catheter is inserted through a large blood vessel and is guided to the heart. There is also a small balloon at the tip of the catheter that is meant to widen a narrow valve.
  3. Maze Surgery – In this heart surgery, the surgeon builds a pattern of scar tissues inside the upper chambers of the heart in order to redirect the electrical signals to the lower chambers of the heart along a controlled path. This surgery also blocks all stray electrical signals that generally cause the most common type of severe Arrhythmia (atrial fibrillation).
  4. ICD or Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator – Even though medicines are usually the main treatment option for Arrhythmia (a medical condition in which the heart beats too slow or too fast, or with an irregular rhythm), most surgeons recommend ICD surgery to patients who have Arrhythmia. If medications don’t work, then surgeons perform ICD heart surgery in which they implant a pacemaker under the skin of the chest or the abdomen. The wires of the pacemaker are connected to the heart chambers. This device makes the use of electrical pulses to control the rhythm of the heartbeat and restores the normal rhythm by sending an electric shock.
  5. Heart Transplant Surgery – In a heart transplant surgery, a diseased or weak heart is replaced with a healthy heart from a deceased donor. This type of heart surgery is quite complicated, and it usually requires lifelong healthcare and maintenance and proper medications.
  6. Aneurysm Repair – It is a type of heart surgery in which a weaker section of the heart wall or the artery is replaced with a graft or patch. This surgery is usually performed to repair a rounded bulge in the wall of the heart muscle or the artery.

In addition to these heart surgeries, a minimally enveloping substitute to open-heart surgery is also becoming very common, and it is the transcatheter structural heart surgery.

Treatment Options to Choose From

Your cardiac team will determine the best treatment for you according to your underlying heart problems, the severity of your blockages, and your future heart risks.

  1. Pharmaceutical Therapy – Different medications such as nitrates and beta-blockers are used for slowing down the progress of your heart disease along with easing its symptoms.
  2. Bypass Surgery – Also called CABG, it is an often-recommended option for treating artery blockages. This process usually includes two different types of surgeries – arrested heart surgery and beating heart surgery.
  3. Minimally Invasive Treatments – These treatments are an alternative to heart bypass surgery or CABG. They may include stenting, coronary balloon angioplasty, and MICS CABG.

Road to Recovery

Once a patient undergoes heart surgery, he/she is kept in the intensive care unit under continuous monitoring. The recovery time usually depends on the type of heart surgery and your overall health before and after the surgery. You need to know that it may take up to 6 to 12 weeks for an individual to fully recover from a traditional coronary artery bypass surgery. So, you can consult your cardiac team, follow the right medication routine, and bring necessary changes to your lifestyle to recover healthfully.